I hate it when you have to be nice to someone you really want to throw a brick at:)
Follow me on Twitter....:)
Are you Canadian?!?
See how many of these are true and comment and tell me!!! I had 26 Yes's:):)
1. You've frozen your tongue to something metal and lived to tell about it.
2. You're not offended by the term "Homo Milk"
3. You drink pop, not soda
4. You understand the sentence "Could you please pass me a
serviette, I spilled my poutine"
5. You know that a mickey and a 2-4 means "Party at the camp eh!"
6. You talk about the weather with friends and strangers alike
7. When there is a social problem, you turn to your government to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.
8. You're not sure if the leader of your nation has EVER had sex and you don't want to find out!
9. You eat chocolate bars rather than candy bars
10. You know that Casey and Finnegan aren't a Celtic music group
11. You participated in "Participaction"
12. You are excited whenever an American tv show mentions Canada
13. Back bacon and Kraft dinner are two of your favourite food
14. You wear socks with our sandals
15. You know all the words to "If I had a million dollars" by The Barenaked Ladies, including the inter-stanza banter between Steven and Ed.
16. You think Ed the Sock is funny.
17. You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin.
18. You have memorized the Heritage Foundation's Heritage Moments, including your favourites, "You know I canna read a word...", "Come on, Vince" and "Kanata".
19. You can sing "O' Canada" in French and actually know what the words mean!
20. You send angry letters to the CBC demanding the return of the Hinterland Who's Who so you can finally find out what happens to the arctic ptarmigan in winter.
21. You think Great Big Sea isn't Maritime-centric enough.
22. Your backpack has more than one Canadian flag iron-on.
23. You have been on Speaker's Corner.
24. You know the French equivalents of ``free,'' ``prize'' and ``no sugar added,'' thanks to your extensive education in bilingual cereal packaging.
25. You know who said "Now I'll call Rusty".
26. You had a crush on Joey Jeremiah from Degrassi Junior High.
27. You think -10 C is mild weather.
28. Thinking of Johnny Wayne causes gales of laughter. I told him, Julie, don't go.
29. You're proud that Captain Kirk came from Montreal.
30. You read rather than scanned this list.
1. You've frozen your tongue to something metal and lived to tell about it.
2. You're not offended by the term "Homo Milk"
3. You drink pop, not soda
4. You understand the sentence "Could you please pass me a
serviette, I spilled my poutine"
5. You know that a mickey and a 2-4 means "Party at the camp eh!"
6. You talk about the weather with friends and strangers alike
7. When there is a social problem, you turn to your government to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.
8. You're not sure if the leader of your nation has EVER had sex and you don't want to find out!
9. You eat chocolate bars rather than candy bars
10. You know that Casey and Finnegan aren't a Celtic music group
11. You participated in "Participaction"
12. You are excited whenever an American tv show mentions Canada
13. Back bacon and Kraft dinner are two of your favourite food
14. You wear socks with our sandals
15. You know all the words to "If I had a million dollars" by The Barenaked Ladies, including the inter-stanza banter between Steven and Ed.
16. You think Ed the Sock is funny.
17. You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin.
18. You have memorized the Heritage Foundation's Heritage Moments, including your favourites, "You know I canna read a word...", "Come on, Vince" and "Kanata".
19. You can sing "O' Canada" in French and actually know what the words mean!
20. You send angry letters to the CBC demanding the return of the Hinterland Who's Who so you can finally find out what happens to the arctic ptarmigan in winter.
21. You think Great Big Sea isn't Maritime-centric enough.
22. Your backpack has more than one Canadian flag iron-on.
23. You have been on Speaker's Corner.
24. You know the French equivalents of ``free,'' ``prize'' and ``no sugar added,'' thanks to your extensive education in bilingual cereal packaging.
25. You know who said "Now I'll call Rusty".
26. You had a crush on Joey Jeremiah from Degrassi Junior High.
27. You think -10 C is mild weather.
28. Thinking of Johnny Wayne causes gales of laughter. I told him, Julie, don't go.
29. You're proud that Captain Kirk came from Montreal.
30. You read rather than scanned this list.
Tonight I'm country swing dancing....I learned when I was 5 and apparently according to people, I'm pretty good...Well if you want to see if they are right, Facebook has it covered....honestly, i don't believe people....but they say I'm awesome....well ok, maybe I am awesome:)
I love riding horses on my family's farm... but I learned something. Riding a horse: The art of keeping a horse between you and the ground:):)
I finally got my camera to work so I made a slideshow with all the pictures from my trip to Washington D.C! I hope you enjoy and turn up the sound: http://www.photosnack.com/slideshows/b437a552f7e948f601fc6d53a1183713
When I get sad....
p.s. I <3 you so much!!!
permanent marker
I know he loved you,
A long time ago
I'm not jealous of you,
Just thought you should know.
You were never good enough for him,
Or anything like me.
So, you might as well sit back,
Cause' I'm not trying to show maturity.
"X" is the shape I drew through your face,
In permanent marker.
Just like the mark you knew you were making,
Who do you think you are?!
To write on his heart,
In permanent marker
P.S. Stay away bitch. He's mine
A long time ago
I'm not jealous of you,
Just thought you should know.
You were never good enough for him,
Or anything like me.
So, you might as well sit back,
Cause' I'm not trying to show maturity.
"X" is the shape I drew through your face,
In permanent marker.
Just like the mark you knew you were making,
Who do you think you are?!
To write on his heart,
In permanent marker
P.S. Stay away bitch. He's mine
Top 5 summer songs
My top 5 Summer Song Favorites:
Last Friday Night:):)
Last Friday Night:):)
Super Bass:):)
The show goes on:)
On my Mind:)
And...Dr. Bieber
Summer :):)
New Fav Song!
I just found this amazing song! It's my new favorite and I hope you guys enjoy it just as much as I do. Its so sweet when he kisses her on the cheek and I wish that if the world ends that someone would do that for me:)
P.S. <3 you!
It's Summer:) I'm SUPER excited today (if you haven't noticed)! Today is the Summer Solstice! I love this time of year. The longest and sunniest day of the year has to be on my top 5 favorite days of the year. I've always wanted to visit the Stonehedge and sadly, sleep under the sun:) What's your favorite time of year?:) Comment and tell me!
Cheers to endless summer days,
Summer :) <3
P.S. I <3 you handsome:)
Day 9
Day 9:) -
Please don't ask: "Does that feel good?" If it feels good you will know. Believe us. ;):)
P.S. Happy Father's Day!
P.S.S.P I Love you:) <3
Missing you!
I just got back from my leadership conference in Washington D.C.:) I missed Colorado SO MUCH!!!! It's great to be back and thanks to all of the people who sent me best wishes for my trip. I will post pictures once I find my USB cord... Idk where it is:) FML:)
Keep you posted soon,
P.S. I love you! <3
day 8:)
Day 8: Girls like sex just as much, if not more, as guys:):) We just don't tell you:)
Day 7:)
Day 7: Being able to make us laugh is more important than how much you can bench press:):)
P.S. I <3 U
50 days:)
Day 6: Under no circumstances will we have a threesome...sober:):)
P.S. I love you :)
50 days:)
50 days:)
3. We think about YOU all the time:):)
So when we tell you that we were thinking about you, believe us! We are!:)
3. We think about YOU all the time:):)
So when we tell you that we were thinking about you, believe us! We are!:)
50 days:)
50 days :)
2.The excuse "I can't dance" is deplorable...we'll appreciate the simple fact that you're trying:):)
P.S. I love you
Today, I ask of you one thing. Tell that amazing, crazy, some times embarrassing mother of yours that you are thankful to have her in your life. After all, if you don't she can take you out of this world just as easily as she brought you here :):)
Cheers to the women in our lives,
P.S. I love you
50 most romantic things to do for your gf:):)
I got a post from a guy in Wisconsin who is committed to being the best boyfriend he can be. He asked me and Sydney to come up with 50 of the most romantic things to do for your girlfriend:) Well we did :) Enjoy guys. And girls, send this to your boyfriend....he might learn some new tricks that make you tingle all over;)
Fifty Most Romantic Things To Do For Your Girlfriend
1. Always hold her around her hips/sides.
2. Back rubs.
3. Break every one of your parent's relationship rules for her.
4. Brush her hair out of her face for her.
5. Buy gifts for each other.
6. Buy her a ring.
7. Call from your vacation spot to tell her you were thinking about her.
8. Dedicate songs to her on the radio.
9. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that she has to look in a mirror to read it.
10. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call her and say I love you.
11. Everyone deserves a second chance.
12. Fall asleep on the phone with her.
13. Find out her favorite cologne and wear it every time you're together.
14. French Kiss.
15. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.
16. Hang out with her friends.
17. Hold hands.
18. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart.
19. Hugs are the universal medicine.
20. Kiss at every chance you get.
21. Learn from her and don't make the same mistake twice.
22. Let her sit on your lap.
23. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't thinking about her, and make sure she knows it.
24. Lightly kiss her collarbone and her jawbone just below the ear, and then whisper I love you.
25. Lips were made for kissing. So were eyes, and fingers, and cheeks, and collarbones, and hands, and ears.
26. Look into her eyes.
27. Love yourself before you love anyone else.
28. Make excuses to call her every 5 minutes.
29. Make sacrifices for her.
30. Massages.
31. Never forget the kiss goodnight. And always remember to say, "Sweet dreams." Put your hands in her back pocket! Remember that her back pockets are for your hands!
32. PDA = Public Display of Affection.
33. Put love notes in her pockets when she isn't looking.
34. Really love her, or don't stay together.
35. Ride home and call her.
36. Ride your bike 8 miles just to see her for a few hours.
37. Roses.
38. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure she knows you mean it.
39. Skinny dip.
40. Spend every second possible together.
41. Stand up for her when someone talks trash.
42. Take advantage of any time alone with her.
43. Tell her about how you answered every question in math with her name.
44. Tell her that she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to. And mean it.
45. Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want. Don't lie.
46. Tell her your most sacred secrets/fears.
47. Unless you can feel her heart beating, you aren't close enough.
48. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.
49. When in public, only flirt with her.
50. Whispers to her your dirty thoughts
P.S. I love you <3
My best friend Jordan was talking like this today: hey. Summer. whats. up? Well Jordan, I've got a couple things to say to you: Talking. Like. This. Doesn’t. Make. Your. Point. Any. Stronger. It. Makes. It. Look. Like. Your. Mind. Has. Asthma:)
Hey guys,
Today I was informed that a good friend/soon to be mother of mine got in a horrible car crash. She currently is going through surgery. Please pray that she comes out of the surgery safely. Thanks. The pic above is of her car after the crash. Pretty bad right?
Cheers to sydney,
Hey! I've got a question for all the girls out there. What is your favorite nickname for your boyfriend to call you? I've heard the classics like sweetheart, honey, baby, babe, sexy, and now I've got a new one: Bunny :) Its a long story:) Let me know by making a comment below
Summer :)
P.S. I love you
If somebody offers you a lifetime supply of candy and there is just one piece, don’t eat it: It’s probably poison :):)
P.S. I love you
Juggernaut volleyball :)
Today was the last day of the season for Juggernaut Volleyball 2010-2011. My team played with their hearts and wanted to win. I was very proud no matter the outcome. Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain. Congratulations Juggernaut!
Cheers to perseverance,
P.S. I love you
Me and Sydney Dancing!
Sydney and I dancing to Rock that Body...We are really crazy. Sorry, the video is off of her Youtube page so the name is a little strange. Here's the link if you can't open it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bxuXImOqDbg
Her dog joined us too :)
Cheers to crazy days,
P.S. I love you
Annoying people
I've a got a question. How many of you are annoyed by this like me?: People point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is? I think not
P.S. Love you
Today, I've got too much blood in my caffeine system :)
Happy Tuesday,
P.S. I love you honey :)
Criticism :)
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes :)
Cheers to Monday,
P.S. I love you sweetheart:)
Celebrating Sydney!
Tonight, I'm celebrating my friend, Sydney's birthday with an extra bang. Not only will there be cake but virgin margaritas (at least I think they are virgin) while we prank call people:) Then, me and the 10 other girls are going to watch the scary movies 1,2,3, and 4 and wish our boyfriends were here to hold us :) That's how we are celebrating the welcoming into the teenage world. Don't ask how we came up with it, I'm just playing along :) So let your hair down tonight and have fun celebrating! I know I will :)
Cheers to Sydney,
P.S. I luv you
I got a question from a guy in Memphis asking me if you need a parachute to go skydiving. He said that someone told him that he didn't but because he thought that I was the smartest person he knew, he'd ask me. Well Scott, no you do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice ;)
Cheers to adventure,
P.S. I love my boyfriend :)
Red Riding Hood Movie
The Language Arts honor's program at my school went to see the new Red Riding Hood movie this afternoon. From all of the things I had heard about the movie, I expected it to be a lot more scary than it was. I would definitely say this was a good movie to see if you like a thriller even though it wasn't extremely scary. If you do decide to go though, make sure that you have someone to protect you from the wolf :)
P.S. I luv you honey
Energy consuming gnomes :)
Today, I'm super tired. I'm so tired, I feel like tiny, little energy-draining gnomes have tapped my body with soul-sapping straws and have consumed my essence. A nap should fix it :) If only someone was here to hold me....
Cheers to afternoon naps in the sunshine,
P.S. I luv you handsome :)
A new comment
I got a comment from yesterday's post and I wanted to share it with you guys to get your feed back. I was a little shocked by this girl's words but at least she spoke her mind.
"Guys are such trash. They never know how to make a girl feel special and why should girls bother with the whole love thing because all guys want is to get into girl's pants. Guys are worthless and can any girl say that she honestly loves her boyfriend? Well the point is that all girls should break their boyfriends little tiny hearts and get on with their lives. Its better without them anyways! How many of you are with me?
Love you Summer..."
So really, how many of you agree with her? Let me know
P.S. I love you
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