
A new comment

I got a comment from yesterday's post and I wanted to share it with you guys to get your feed back. I was a little shocked by this girl's words but at least she spoke her mind.
"Guys are such trash. They never know how to make a girl feel special and why should girls bother with the whole love thing because all guys want is to get into girl's pants. Guys are worthless and can any girl say that she honestly loves her boyfriend? Well the point is that all girls should break their boyfriends little tiny hearts and get on with their lives. Its better without them anyways! How many of you are with me?
Love you Summer..."
So really, how many of you agree with her? Let me know
P.S. I love you


  1. Baby, i hope u dont think of me that way, in fact, i know u dont. I luv u baba

  2. I never think of you that way sweetheart :) I think you are the most amazing person I've ever met and no one can change that. I love you so so so much handsome
