
Guys have tricks of their own

I got a comment from one of my followers about guys playing hard to get. Well, here's what I know about them. I guess I will have to ask my boyfriend if he has any tricks...that will be an interesting conversation. Well anyways, here you go Michelle:
All women have tricks up their sleeves. Old news right? But what most women don't know is that men have tricks of their own. I knew this guy once who had a dinner coupon for two and offered it me. Well, that sounds really nice but here's where he got smart. "Oh, it's this weekend and my girlfriend is at a basketball tournament. Well, how about you have them?" This is where you have to be smarter than him. He wants you to say, "Well, how about you come with me?" That's exactly what he wanted in the first place: dinner with you. But here's how you play smarter, "Thanks so much. My friend loves this place." Now, you have the power and you leave him wanting more. Playing hard to get is the best trick to get a guy wanting you. You just have to watch out for when they play back.
Just remember: If women ruled the world there would be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other :)
P.S. I love you


  1. So true Sister!!!!!!!

  2. Guys are such trash. They never know how to make a girl feel special and why should girls bother with the whole love thing because all guys want is to get into girl's pants. Guys are worthless and can any girl say that she honestly loves her boyfriend? Well the point is that all girls should break their boyfriends little tiny hearts and get on with their lives. Its better without them anyways! How many of you are with me?
    Love you Summer...
